The Ontario Hop Growers’ Association (OHGA) was created to act as a central voice for hop growers in Ontario. Together we can rebuild a prosperous hops industry in this province.
Why Join?
- To be included in a network of growers, suppliers, craftspeople, business, researchers and academics
- Form a network of information sharing, research and project collaboration
- Encourage interest in Ontario hops
- Share knowledge regarding propagating, growing, and drying of hops
- Access to Government resources
- Education and professional development
- Benefits
Note: Membership terms coincide with the calendar year, from January 1st to December 31st.
Note: Renewal of membership is done on the same form as the application for membership as it is a way to update your farm status and number of plants etc and as such updates the OHGA records.
FULL Membership – Open to growers (minimum 100 plants) Cost=$75/year
- Full Voting Membership – have your voice heard on OHGA matters
- Invitation to display products and materials at OHGA sponsored events
- Attendance welcomed at OHGA educational meetings
- Inclusion in and access to a directory of all OHGA members
- Opportunity to participate on the Executive Committee of the OHGA
- Notification and information exchange of OHGA or hops related events
- Members only area on website for research and technical information
- Marketing opportunities at events in which OHGA participates (e.g. – festivals, agricultural fairs, brewing/culinary events etc.)
- Business listing on OHGA website with hotlinks to your website
- Use OHGA logo
Note: you must have a minimum 100 plants in the ground to qualify. Membership includes transaction fees. (i.e. $75 + 2.9% + 0.30).
Join the OHGA!
Affiliate Membership (less than 100 plants)
Open to growers (<100 plants), brewers and others interested in supporting the resurgence of hop production in Ontario.
Cost = $50/year
- Non-voting
- Welcomed attendance at educational events and general meetings
- Members only area on website for research and technical information
- Opportunity to support network for interest in Ontario hops and hop production
- Opportunity to sponsor OHGA events as Affiliate Member
- Inclusion in a directory accessible by all Full OHGA members
- Notification and information exchange of OHGA or hops related events
- Showcase your farm/business at OHGA events
- Use OHGA logo
Note: membership includes transaction fees. (i.e. $50 + 2.9% + 0.30).
Join the OHGA!