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Hops Integrated Pest Management workshop for growers

April 8, 2016 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Woodstock OMAFRA Resource Centre
401 Lakeview Dr #1
Woodstock, ON N4T 1W2
OMAFRA - please RSVP by contacting the Agriculture Information Contact Centre


Spider mites, hard to spot by eye, although damage they cause can be quite visible and significant.

Spider mites, hard to spot by eye, although damage they cause can be quite visible and significant.

Melanie Filotas,  Integrated Pest Management Specialist, Specialty Crops will be conducting a presentation on topics including general scouting protocols for hops, identification of major insects found in the hop yard (hop aphid, looper, spider mites etc), and disease (i.e. downy mildew, powdery mildew, fusarium canker, and viruses). 

Hops have a large complex of pests that can affect yield and quality. These require careful monitoring and management to keep pest populations below economically damaging levels, but identification and management can be a challenge. This 2 1/2 hour indoor work- shop will provide hop growers, scouts and industry members with an overview of integrated pest management in hops.
Topics covered include: scouting a hop yard, pest diagnostics 101, Hop Diseases (downy mildew, powdery mildew, viruses, cone blights, leaf spots, fusarium canker, Verticillium wilt); Hop Insects (two-spotted spider mite, potato leafhopper, Japanese beetle, caterpillar pests, general defoliators); and Natural enemies in the hop yard. Focus will be on scouting and identification, however management techniques for major pests will also be discussed. A follow-up, in field workshop is planned for later in the season.
RSVP: This event is open to all OHGA members and non-members on a first?come, first-served basis. There are a limited number of spots available.
To register, please RSVP by contacting the Agriculture Information Contact Centre at 1-877-424-1300. A minimum of 5 registrants for the April 8 IPM session and 10 registrants for the June 27 and July 20 field sessions are required for the sessions to run.
If you have already registered through OHGA (info@ohga.ca) that information has been passed on.
OMAFRA is exploring whether or not it will also be able to offer the event in a Webex, webinar format.
Unit 1 – 401 Lakeview Drive
Woodstock, ON N4T 1W2
Phone: (519) 537-6621
Fax: (519) 539-5351

Check here for the latest, 2016 approved list: 


Hop plants displaying the basil spikes, a telltale sign of downy mildew infection.

Hop plants displaying basil spikes, a telltale sign of downy mildew infection.

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