Michigan State University Extension is pleased to announce the third annual Integrated Pest Management Academy, Feb. 18-19 in East Lansing, Michigan. We are releasing the date early to ensure you all have it on your calendar!
Posted Aug. 16, 2013 by Erin Lizotte, Michigan State University Extension
Michigan State University Extension’s 2014 IPM Academy is a two-day workshop that will prepare growers, consultants and public sector employees to better understand integrated pest management strategies, identify pest insects and diseases, recognize beneficial insects, and adopt an integrated and informed approach to pest management. This program is designed to assist people who are working in a new cropping area or would like to brush up on their IPM skills.
On the first day of the program, participants will become familiar with the overarching tenants of IPM which will help prepare them for the crop-specific breakout session on the second day. On day two of the program, participants will opt into two, half-day sessions on the topics of their choice. Sessions include content in fruit, vegetable, field crop, conifer and minor crop production.
The final session roster will be released in December when registration for this event opens. Participants will receive program materials and a complimentary IPM-related MSU bulletin. Michigan pesticide recertification credits will be available.
We hope to see you there!